Top sex fantasies your clients have!


We all have sexual fantasies, things that we only dream about, hide in our deepest corners of our minds, pleasures that we manage to satisfy only in the company of a professional lover. That is one of the reasons why escorts are so appreciated by men, and their services are so special: because with a top escort there is no taboo when it comes to erotic pleasures and intimate desires.

But, did you knew that only one in three men are open to discuss their sexual fantasies with their partners and even less have tried to experience a sexual fantasy in couple?!

When it comes to men, their top sexual fantasy remains having a threesome while for women the number one fantasy is using sex toys while in bed with their partner. And, surprisingly enough, both men and women seem to have as main sexual fantasy outdoor sex.

Now, what can you, as a high-class escort, do with these pieces of information? You can use them to better promote your services and to make your escort profile gain more views.
If having a threesome is the number one fantasy in a man’s brain, then maybe you can consider working with a fellow escort and offering this type of sex fantasy to your clients, from time to time, on special occasions.

Promote those occasions well, and “sell” them as very special, one-of-a-kind treats, that you seldom offer to your clients. 

Knowledge is power, and that is why knowing what your potential clients most private desires are, can help you better promote your services, upgrade your photos accordingly and mention a particular service in your description, above others.

In terms of sex positions, the one that is leading the charts is “scissoring”, so you’d better include it on your service list. Also, when it comes to BDSM, most men are looking for female domination/femdom, with pegging and strapon as the top two most desired BDSM services.
Apparently, a change of preferences has occurred during the last year, MILF’s swapping places with “lesbian sex”, and reality porn, “girl next door” type of escort gaining more and more popularity.

Men also are crazy for hentai, so if you can include costume and role playing related to this Japanese porn trend, into your special service list, it would surely draw a lot of attention from your clients.

Think of the services that you are ok with providing for your clients and start talking about them, draw attention on your super special service list, use the description text in your profile to allure them into a fantasy date that you can turn into reality. As we’ve said, knowledge is power, so use these sex trend info wisely to be better informed on what your clients want and expect to get from you!


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